Jam typically contains both the juice and flesh of a fruit or vegetable. The term "jam" refers to a product made of whole fruit cut into pieces or crushed, then heated with water and sugar to activate its pectin before being put into containers.


Apple - 2
Water - 1 & 1/2 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Cloves - 2 (powdered)
Cinnamon powder - 1/4 tsp


1. Peel, core and chop the apple into slices.

2. Add the apple along with water in a heavy bottom pan/vessel.

3. Cook until the apples become soft. It will take around 20 mins.

4. Transfer the cooked apple to a blender and puree.

5. Place the pureed apple into a saucepan and add sugar, cloves powdered and cinnamon powder.

6. Bring to a boil over med-high heat, stirring often.

7. Simmer, still stirring, until puree thickens and holds it's shaped on a spoon.

8. Transfer the hot jam into a glass bottle/jar and tighten to fingertip-tight.

9. Place the jar on water bath canner and bring water to a rolling boil for 10 mins.

10. Wait 5 minutes before removing jars.

11. Serve this yummy jam with bread or chapathi.

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